Torch Awards
It is hard to explain how much it means to know that you have had an impact on a student's life that goes beyond the classroom or the curriulum. The "Torch Awards" at Aransas Pass High School in Aransas Pass, Texas, are presented by the top ten graduating seniors to the "K-12 teacher who has had the greatest impact on their life". I was honored with this award four times in the two years I taught at the school.
Amanda Brown
Mr. Harris has managed to do the unthinkble by getting me to enjoy math. He is always there to help no matter how many extra hours this may mean - his goal is to ensure you completely understand the assignment at hand. Mr. Harris is fully dedicated to his work and often sacrifices his time and energy to make sure his students are provided with the best education possible. This dedication is undoubtedly something to look up to, and has driven me to want to excel in all of my classes. The traits I have learned through his class will definitely be applied during my college years. Thank you for all of your help, you have truly impacted my life for the better.
Gabriela Holguin
In life we are constantly learning. We lear from our parents, friends, and of course from our teachers. But one of the people I like to learn the most from is Mr. Harris. When his class is over not only have I learned the lesson of the day, but also how to have perserveranve to achieve the goals of the day. Day by day, he shows the faith that he has in his students, faith they don't always have in themselves. A home I learned that respect always comes first, and I can prove that right just by seeing Mr. Harris's reactions to his students. He always gives his best to all of his students, never giving up on his goal: teaching. I've had the pleasure to have Mr. Harris as a teacher for two consecutive years, and I can sure say that those were my favorite years of high school. I have learned not only math from him but also great human values. All I have left to say is: Thank you!
Israel Huerta
Teaching takes a whole lot of hard work and dedication. It takes courage for a teacher to take their time to make sure each and every student fully understands the material being taught. Mr. Harris accomplished this and far more. From his first year here my Junior year, to the end of my senior year, Mr. Harris's goal was not to teach, but for students to receive knowledge that will benefit each of us individually for our post high school education and in our near future. With excessive amount of tutorials, which included early mornings and late afternoons, sacrificing his lunch every day and one on one teaching, I believe Mr. Harris surpassed this goal. I believe I surpassed my knowledge in math and understand the material like the back of my hand. Thanks to Mr. Harris I believe i am prepared to succeed in my profession as an engineer. Thank you Mr. Harris.
Selena Mendoza
Despite the burden thrown upon him, Mr. Harris has handled it very well. He is the teacher that inspired me the most because of all his hard work to teach his seniors in calculus the essentials to be prosperous after high school. My peers and I started this year lacking skills that were required to comprehend what we were to embark upon. Mr. Harris was not only understanding but patient as well. Going into a STEM major, this was what I needed -- a teacher who I could always go to when I needed help. It takes a remarkable individual to make a decision like that - leave his ideal life to stay up after midnight coming up with lesson plans. Thank you, Mr. Harris.
Gift from my
AP Statistics Kids
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It was a surprise. I walked into class shortly after the AP Exam and they were
all wearing one!